Performance Management

Within Aslanlar Group, there is a performance area for every individual at every level of the organizational chart. Our goal is to add a new skill or capability every day, building on what we achieved the day before. To be more agile than yesterday and faster in every decision we make.

Setting goals is not only for employees but also a principle of challenge and motivation applied to the founders themselves, in line with our fair and just corporate culture. It is our non-negotiable standard!

Tigers Hunting Deer's | Lion hunting, Animals, Lion

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It has only one thought, one goal: to run faster than the fastest lion… or it will be eaten.
Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It has only one thought: to run faster than the fastest gazelle… or it will starve to death.

As Lions, we have made performance systems our primary focus to enhance all the qualities that will make us faster and stronger. By digitizing this system, we objectively evaluate ourselves on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.